Hello World! Happy Inauguration Day!
After years and years of neglect, today was the day I actually felt like using this website I almost forgot I had. In the May of 2017, I finally became a US citizen after living in the US for 18 years. Until 2017, I was a permanent US resident...
The Story of Toteh: A Syrian Refugee
Turkcesi icin buraya tiklayin. As we all want to go back to the good old days when we used to share cute cat and dog videos instead of stressful and alarming political posts, I decided to share with you the touching story of this cute little dog; Toteh. I...
Turkish Cartoons of the Day
This is one of my favorite cartoons by the Turkish cartoonist Selcuk Erdem. I saw it again the other day and it made me think about how most of us don’t have the ability to see the reality around us because of our subjectivity. Because our “horn” gets in...
Before And After
Being a huge HGTV and DIY fan, I’ve always wanted to get those before and after pictures of my little design projects around the house and be proud of my accomplishments. Finally, it’s time! But first, I want to tell you the story of my house-hunting process, which ended...
Torn Between Two Countries
While I was in Turkey for the Christmas break, everyone back home tried to convince me to move back. Now that my brother has moved back also, I have no family left in the US. I sometimes wonder if I should go back. But, my relationship with both countries...