Tag: travel

Torn Between Two Countries

While I was in Turkey for the Christmas break, everyone back home tried to convince me to move back. Now that my brother has moved back also, I have no family left in the US. I sometimes wonder if I should go back. But, my relationship with both countries...

Amerika’da Otobus Yolculugu

Sevgili Arkadaslar, Bir haftadir seyahat dolayisiyla kapaliydik. Dun aksam nihayet Ohio’ya, evime dondum. Cok kiymetli bir arkadasim ve hemsom Turkiye’den ziyaretime gelmisti. Birlikte, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Florida derken, bir haftada dort eyaletin altini ustune getirdik. Ya da Elazig tabiriyle (ve tabiri caizse) iki hafta boyunca “kici kirik it...